Nice Chance

Sunday, June 24, 2012

8 Basic Step to Attract Abundance

1. Understand that this Universe around you is full with abundance
How do you see the world lately? If you see this world or Universe around you as cruel, not caring and selfish, you need to change this. In order to attract abundance you need to understand that the Universe or the World around you is a friendly place and it always provide you on everything you want. If you haven’t had what you want, this is why. You haven’t believe and see this Universe have your needs. In other word, you haven’t align with it.
So you need to see this Universe as an Abundance place and it is friendly to you, it is not against you, you need to realize this first then you can align with Abundance.

2. You are one with Abundance
How do you feel about Abundance or success? If you feel that Abundance and Success is out there somewhere or in the future don’t know when, it is what will happen.
Actually you Abundance and Success is already inside you, who you are. You haven’t notice it because you keep a distance from the Abundance and success itself. In order to attract it and make it reality, you need to understand that you are Abundance and you are Success, life with it, then it become your reality.

3. Allow the Abundance to come
How do you feel about Abundance now? Do you have a doubt that Abundance not coming? Do you feel that you are not appropriate with Abundance? Well, you should not have this kind of thought. Just allow Abundance to come to your life. The Source and the Universe have provide this Abundance for you. You need to realize this (back to step 2, you are Abundance), then you can align with Abundance and attract Abundance.

4.  Live, talk and walk in Abundance
How do you do anything everyday? Have you do anything with state “just do my job”? Have you talk to other with state “it’s just conversation no big deal”? or even you feel bored in you activity. Well you can not attract abundance in this condition.
You need to live your life with good feeling. Make Abundance your life style. Talk to other, even to stranger with good feeling, talk about anything good. Show your passion. Speak as if you have lived in Abundance. Get a job interview with full of interest, call your friend with good feeling.
Do everything and every day in a good feeling state, then you’ll attract more good to your life and the Abundance attach with it.

5. Share Abundance with other
How is your relation with other? Have you feel this world have limited supply? Have you feel that you are lacking on something, why you need to share something with other?
Well, you can not attract Abundance if this is how you are feeling lately.
In this condition you don’t feel Abundance, you feel lack, and you are not align with the Universe as an Abundance provider, you feel limited.
In order to attract good you need to feel good, in order to attract Abundance, you need to feel Abundance. Feel Abundance, Feel good, Feel it is enough supply from the provider, the Universe for everyone. Show it by sharing and flow the generosity from you to other, cause a good impact effect. Share what you have to other. Make other have a good inspiration to do a good thing also.
In this condition then you feel, you live in Abundance, that it is enough for every one, more Abundance will attracted and come to your life.

6. Manage your emotion
How do you feel your emotion lately? Bad, anger, anxiety, worry, hate, bored, and any other negative feeling, or you feel good, joy, love, blessed, peace and any other positive feeling?
Well, negativity have a low energy to attract what you want and it is completely not in sync with Abundance. In order to attract Abundance you need to have a high energy that have sync with Abundance, you need to align and stay in the same frequency with Abundance.
The Abundance Frequency is high, happiness, joy, blessed, peace and all the positive feeling.
So you need to maintain your emotion in this high frequency condition for you can attract Abundance.
Do what you like, do a lot of laugh, do your hobby, keep your emotion high.

7. Reconnect yourself with the Universe
In order to reconnect yourself with the Universe or the Source, there is no better way other than meditate. The part inside you that can communicate with the Universe is your subconscious. Meanwhile, your subconscious is sometimes not in align with your conscious. Your conscious is what ever your thinking at this moment. Your subconscious have 9 times of the power than your conscious. If your conscious is thinking Rich, but your subconscious thinking the opposite such as lack or poor or not enough, your subconscious will win.
In order to make the subconscious have the same thought with your conscious you can do meditate. Just sit in silence for 15 minutes, silent your mind, then say what you want to your subconscious, your subconscious will accept your conscious thought.
In this condition then Universe will understand and align with you and then the Universe can give what you want. You can attract Abundance as the result.

8. Gratitude
Even what you want haven’t show up yet, you need to develop appreciation and gratitude mentality. With Gratitude state, you can speed up the process of attracting Abundance. Even in the darkest day, everything is have a purpose. Express your grateful even you haven’t have what you want. This will keep attracting what you want, attracting Abundance in your life.

Thank you and regards

May all your life full with Abundance.


Thursday, June 21, 2012

Absorbing Abundance

Living in the life of your dream or living in Abundance basically is all about changing mindset. The change here it means about changing your focus. Because the more you focus on something, you will attract it quickly into your life.

You see, it might be lately or for a long time, you have focus on your bill, your debt or your lack of money. If this is your dominant focus, you need to change it.

In order to attract money, wealth, riches and prosperity, you have to focus on money, wealth, riches and prosperity. Simple thing, but sometimes life and our surrounding say differently. Your actual condition say differently, it may say lack, bill and debt.

Really, you need to change it, whatever your condition lately, you need to focus to money, wealth, riches and prosperity. Just imagine what you feel when you have a lot of money, what you feel when you have live wealthy enough, what you feel when you rich enough and you have your prosperity on you hand right now.

Let say we make an example that one whole day (24 hours) is counted as 100%. How many in this 100% portion you talk, you think, you feel Abundance, a lot of money, wealth and prosperity?

If you answer this with 10%, 20% or even 50%, then you can say you haven’t made your focus on the abundance area. Because you still have a big portion of other than abundance, such as complain, like lack, like struggle, like anger etc.

You need to make 75% above from total your day to talk, think and feel abundance, wealth, calm, rich and prosper.

You may add happiness, joy and feel good also for your biggest portion in your whole day to day activity.

If you can do this, it means you have focus on abundance and with daily conditioning, you will attract abundance to your life.

In order to focus on abundance or any other, well, let say for short we need to focus on abundance.

Why abundance? Not some amount of money or other thing that we want?

Because sometimes you can have a challenging condition that you don’t know exactly what you want.

Just ask yourself, have you ever have this statement?

“Do I want this, or that?”
“What if I can have that thing, but actually I prefer this thing?”
“I thought I want that, but really, now I think I want this.”

Well, this is not a good condition, you are not in line, you have a conflict in your mind and not really focus on what you want.

So it is easy and simply focus on feeling abundance and be more specific later after all the money comes in, it really come you know.

Now, how we can we make our daily focus on abundance. Easy, what the most often thing you do daily that support your life?

Eating? Nooo, not that :). It’s breathing.

If you are not breathing, you know what you’re gonna be.

You see, you do the inhale and exhale automatically, even most of the time you don’t realize that you are breathing.

This is what you need to do about abundance, keep the abundance mind like breathing. It is the part of your life, you can not leave it behind.

So, how we can make this abundance mind like breathing, just do this simple exercise.

First of all, find a comfy place, that you can sit relaxly on a chair, feet flat on the floor, back straight and your palm facing up, you can put it on your thigh or other position that you are comfort with.

Then close your eyes calmly and then imagine that you are surrounding by abundance and you can touch it, you can bring anything you want from that abundance surround you in to your life whenever you want. Yes you can.

After you have this feeling that you are covered with this massive flow of abundance then you are ready. If you have a trouble, just imagine how you would have feel if you are surrounding by a huge stack of 100 dollar money, a lot of it. Hold on that feeling. Forget about all you have now, this imagination of abundance is your reality now.

Then now, take a long, slow and deep inhale. Count it to 8. (this is little bit different than my last article, Fun And Easy Exercise to Attract Money, you can choose which you prefer to do, both is work well). Feel all this inhale you absorb all the abundance and prosperity surround you. All this flood of abundance fills your lung, your body and your life. Hold your breath and count to 8 also. Feels this abundance spread all over your body through your blood circulation. Feel riches inside you. Then slowly breath out and feel grateful about this feeling. Slowly count to 8 also.

Once again, count to 8 and take a long, slow and deep inhale. Now feel your body have full with abundance and you can radiate it out of your body.  You can emit your shine of abundance all over the room. Imagine it like a gold shine, you can see your shine radiate out, now you are abundance itself. Hold the breath and hold this emit for the count of 8. Then slowly breath out and feel grateful for you have become abundance yourself

One last time, count to 8, inhale slow and deep. Get this feeling of total abundant, you are now wealthy, rich and have financial freedom, no need to have any concern about money. Hold this feeling, hold your breath of the count of 8, and spread this feeling all over your body and spirit. Then slowly breath out and feel grateful for already have this abundance.

That’s it, open your eyes slowly and stay on this feeling abundance and rich.

It is very easy, but this is very powerful trick, it have a magnetize power to abundance and money.

After you have make this your habit, or you have do this exercise for sometimes, later on you don’t even need to close your eyes, you become good at this and will make this part of your daily life.

You can focus on this abundance feeling on daily basis and make this 90% portion of your daily feeling. 
Imagine how FUN it is to feel like you can attract money anytime anywhere.

Focus on it, do the exercise constantly and see what coming to you that will make your heart sing.

My regards and wishes for you to have life full with abundance.

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fun and Easy Exercise to Attract Money

What I like most of the topic of attracting Wealth, Abundance or Money is that you can do it with Fun and Easy way.

It is often that a lot of people have put this work in to a complicating level that look so hard to do.

But the Fact is, it is not. It can be Fun and Easy.

In this article I would like to ask you to go back to one basic fundamental element that you need to focus to attract Money and Abundance. It is FEELINGS, yes, Your FEELINGS.

This is the most important part to focus to attract Abundance or Money. Change your Feelings, it will change your fortune.

Now I want to take you directly to the simple, fun and easy Exercise to make your Feelings to Attract Money or Abundance in to your life.

You can do it right now and feel the effect instantly and then you can do it continuously everyday, best is in the morning and feel the result. You’ll be amazed what this exercise can bring you.

First of all you need to sit straight and relax. I mean VERY relaxed. This is important, you can not attract anything if you have tension, anxiety, fear, frustration and anger. The negativity will block the attraction.

How are you going to become relax? Just breathe slowly, 10 count inhale,5 count hold, 10 count exhale.

Do this for about 5 minutes and while doing this feel all your muscle start to relax, feel the following one by one :

  • your foot finger feel loosen and relax
  • your ankles feel loosen and relax
  • your knees feel loosen and relax
  • your thigh feel loosen and relax
  • your hips feel loosen and relax
  • your back feel loosen and relax
  • your neck feel loosen and relax
  • your shoulder feel loosen and relax
  • your neck feel loosen and relax
  • your jaw and your mouth feel loosen and relax
  • your chick feel to loosen and relax
  • your eye feel loosen and relax
Feel all the tension and stress flowing out from your body with every exhale. If you like the feeling of this relax condition spend more time from 5 to 10 minutes. Feel the relaxation through your whole body.

Now your body have relax and calm, now you can make an imagination, how it feel to have a lot of money. Don’t do this with traditional way on visualization.

What I mean by traditional is picturing the future time you have this a lot of money. It is wrong.

What you need to do is imagine that NOW, right now in this present condition, you already have that a lot of money. You have living with it. Right here, Right now, it is your living reality.

Imagine how it feel to have $ 100.000 in 1000 pcs sheet of $ 100 spreading all over the table in front of you, or you can imagine a bigger number as your comfort number are.

HOW GOOD it feel, Feel the happiness and all the good feeling of having this amount of money. Get into the feeling of having everything you need, no lack, no shortage, no struggle and you no need to worry about money anymore.

Realy-realy feel it, the freedom, the peace of having a lot of money.

Stay with this feeling for about 10 minutes. It is normal if on this first exercise you still have a little conflict on your mind. Especially if you might have stay on the lack condition for some period of time.

But then this is the key to all of the Law of Attraction, the more you do the exercise, the more often you do this exercise, the more often you can imagine and have this wonderful feeling, your brain and your sub-concious mind will soon take it as reality and belief, then you only 1 cm away from the manifestation.

The master key is you need to do the attracting work ‘continuously’.

Be patient, keep working on it and do it with fun, imagine what fun you can do with all of the money. It is easy to do on daily basis right?

In my experiences, this is the one most powerful and effective way to attract money and other form of abundance, and usually it work FAST.

The result at first my show up little or modest you may say, but if you keep up with the exercise on daily basis, the result will grow bigger over time.

That’s it for today, may your life filled with abundance every day.


Monday, June 18, 2012

Welcome All

Hi all,

Welcome to my blog :)

In this blog I would like to share a little knowledge of mine about everything that can make Nice your day, make Rich your day and make Abundance your day.

Actually there are a lot of theory, a lot of teaching, a lot of technique from a lot of master, a lot of Guru's or Teacher that mention about this.

You may have known it as Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance, Money Magnet, etc.

Well, on my point of view, all of this is have the same purpose, which is to make you have a better life in every aspect of it. You can name it Wealth, Rich, Prosper or even in your better Relationship, better Work and better Business.

As I have mention above, there are a lot of theory and teaching about this, but on practice the core is the same : you have to be consistent and continuously make the effort or the work that is said in the theory. If you only read it and not make any practice, it will be useless. Trust me, I've been there.

By that condition, I then would like to share in this Blog all the Teaching that I have learn or I have heard all over the world about the basic, about the principal, about the method of Law of Attraction, Law of Abundance and Money Magnet.

All the Theory and Method I'll post have proven all over the world. Have a living evident to support it.

Feel free to use one of the Method, mix the Method or even make a new view after you have known enough about the lesson.

Most important is you choose which is applicable to you, which is comfort to you to do and can have the best result for you.

But all I can say is once you have decide to choose the Method, please do the work that ask on the Method. It then will give you result.

I've been there, being cocky all around, thinking that if I already know the theory then my life can change forever in over one night.

Fact is, it's not like that.

You have to do the work and the practice part of the Method, then you'll have the result, significantly and fast if you enjoy the process, have fun doing it and humble enough to follow the given instruction.

I'll try my best to remind you about this in every article that I'll post. So we can share the best result that we have done in order to make our life Better, Prosper, Wealth and Abundance. Our goal together.

My best regards and full of Abundance greeting to you.