Nice Chance

Sunday, June 24, 2012

8 Basic Step to Attract Abundance

1. Understand that this Universe around you is full with abundance
How do you see the world lately? If you see this world or Universe around you as cruel, not caring and selfish, you need to change this. In order to attract abundance you need to understand that the Universe or the World around you is a friendly place and it always provide you on everything you want. If you haven’t had what you want, this is why. You haven’t believe and see this Universe have your needs. In other word, you haven’t align with it.
So you need to see this Universe as an Abundance place and it is friendly to you, it is not against you, you need to realize this first then you can align with Abundance.

2. You are one with Abundance
How do you feel about Abundance or success? If you feel that Abundance and Success is out there somewhere or in the future don’t know when, it is what will happen.
Actually you Abundance and Success is already inside you, who you are. You haven’t notice it because you keep a distance from the Abundance and success itself. In order to attract it and make it reality, you need to understand that you are Abundance and you are Success, life with it, then it become your reality.

3. Allow the Abundance to come
How do you feel about Abundance now? Do you have a doubt that Abundance not coming? Do you feel that you are not appropriate with Abundance? Well, you should not have this kind of thought. Just allow Abundance to come to your life. The Source and the Universe have provide this Abundance for you. You need to realize this (back to step 2, you are Abundance), then you can align with Abundance and attract Abundance.

4.  Live, talk and walk in Abundance
How do you do anything everyday? Have you do anything with state “just do my job”? Have you talk to other with state “it’s just conversation no big deal”? or even you feel bored in you activity. Well you can not attract abundance in this condition.
You need to live your life with good feeling. Make Abundance your life style. Talk to other, even to stranger with good feeling, talk about anything good. Show your passion. Speak as if you have lived in Abundance. Get a job interview with full of interest, call your friend with good feeling.
Do everything and every day in a good feeling state, then you’ll attract more good to your life and the Abundance attach with it.

5. Share Abundance with other
How is your relation with other? Have you feel this world have limited supply? Have you feel that you are lacking on something, why you need to share something with other?
Well, you can not attract Abundance if this is how you are feeling lately.
In this condition you don’t feel Abundance, you feel lack, and you are not align with the Universe as an Abundance provider, you feel limited.
In order to attract good you need to feel good, in order to attract Abundance, you need to feel Abundance. Feel Abundance, Feel good, Feel it is enough supply from the provider, the Universe for everyone. Show it by sharing and flow the generosity from you to other, cause a good impact effect. Share what you have to other. Make other have a good inspiration to do a good thing also.
In this condition then you feel, you live in Abundance, that it is enough for every one, more Abundance will attracted and come to your life.

6. Manage your emotion
How do you feel your emotion lately? Bad, anger, anxiety, worry, hate, bored, and any other negative feeling, or you feel good, joy, love, blessed, peace and any other positive feeling?
Well, negativity have a low energy to attract what you want and it is completely not in sync with Abundance. In order to attract Abundance you need to have a high energy that have sync with Abundance, you need to align and stay in the same frequency with Abundance.
The Abundance Frequency is high, happiness, joy, blessed, peace and all the positive feeling.
So you need to maintain your emotion in this high frequency condition for you can attract Abundance.
Do what you like, do a lot of laugh, do your hobby, keep your emotion high.

7. Reconnect yourself with the Universe
In order to reconnect yourself with the Universe or the Source, there is no better way other than meditate. The part inside you that can communicate with the Universe is your subconscious. Meanwhile, your subconscious is sometimes not in align with your conscious. Your conscious is what ever your thinking at this moment. Your subconscious have 9 times of the power than your conscious. If your conscious is thinking Rich, but your subconscious thinking the opposite such as lack or poor or not enough, your subconscious will win.
In order to make the subconscious have the same thought with your conscious you can do meditate. Just sit in silence for 15 minutes, silent your mind, then say what you want to your subconscious, your subconscious will accept your conscious thought.
In this condition then Universe will understand and align with you and then the Universe can give what you want. You can attract Abundance as the result.

8. Gratitude
Even what you want haven’t show up yet, you need to develop appreciation and gratitude mentality. With Gratitude state, you can speed up the process of attracting Abundance. Even in the darkest day, everything is have a purpose. Express your grateful even you haven’t have what you want. This will keep attracting what you want, attracting Abundance in your life.

Thank you and regards

May all your life full with Abundance.


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