Nice Chance

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Fun and Easy Exercise to Attract Money

What I like most of the topic of attracting Wealth, Abundance or Money is that you can do it with Fun and Easy way.

It is often that a lot of people have put this work in to a complicating level that look so hard to do.

But the Fact is, it is not. It can be Fun and Easy.

In this article I would like to ask you to go back to one basic fundamental element that you need to focus to attract Money and Abundance. It is FEELINGS, yes, Your FEELINGS.

This is the most important part to focus to attract Abundance or Money. Change your Feelings, it will change your fortune.

Now I want to take you directly to the simple, fun and easy Exercise to make your Feelings to Attract Money or Abundance in to your life.

You can do it right now and feel the effect instantly and then you can do it continuously everyday, best is in the morning and feel the result. You’ll be amazed what this exercise can bring you.

First of all you need to sit straight and relax. I mean VERY relaxed. This is important, you can not attract anything if you have tension, anxiety, fear, frustration and anger. The negativity will block the attraction.

How are you going to become relax? Just breathe slowly, 10 count inhale,5 count hold, 10 count exhale.

Do this for about 5 minutes and while doing this feel all your muscle start to relax, feel the following one by one :

  • your foot finger feel loosen and relax
  • your ankles feel loosen and relax
  • your knees feel loosen and relax
  • your thigh feel loosen and relax
  • your hips feel loosen and relax
  • your back feel loosen and relax
  • your neck feel loosen and relax
  • your shoulder feel loosen and relax
  • your neck feel loosen and relax
  • your jaw and your mouth feel loosen and relax
  • your chick feel to loosen and relax
  • your eye feel loosen and relax
Feel all the tension and stress flowing out from your body with every exhale. If you like the feeling of this relax condition spend more time from 5 to 10 minutes. Feel the relaxation through your whole body.

Now your body have relax and calm, now you can make an imagination, how it feel to have a lot of money. Don’t do this with traditional way on visualization.

What I mean by traditional is picturing the future time you have this a lot of money. It is wrong.

What you need to do is imagine that NOW, right now in this present condition, you already have that a lot of money. You have living with it. Right here, Right now, it is your living reality.

Imagine how it feel to have $ 100.000 in 1000 pcs sheet of $ 100 spreading all over the table in front of you, or you can imagine a bigger number as your comfort number are.

HOW GOOD it feel, Feel the happiness and all the good feeling of having this amount of money. Get into the feeling of having everything you need, no lack, no shortage, no struggle and you no need to worry about money anymore.

Realy-realy feel it, the freedom, the peace of having a lot of money.

Stay with this feeling for about 10 minutes. It is normal if on this first exercise you still have a little conflict on your mind. Especially if you might have stay on the lack condition for some period of time.

But then this is the key to all of the Law of Attraction, the more you do the exercise, the more often you do this exercise, the more often you can imagine and have this wonderful feeling, your brain and your sub-concious mind will soon take it as reality and belief, then you only 1 cm away from the manifestation.

The master key is you need to do the attracting work ‘continuously’.

Be patient, keep working on it and do it with fun, imagine what fun you can do with all of the money. It is easy to do on daily basis right?

In my experiences, this is the one most powerful and effective way to attract money and other form of abundance, and usually it work FAST.

The result at first my show up little or modest you may say, but if you keep up with the exercise on daily basis, the result will grow bigger over time.

That’s it for today, may your life filled with abundance every day.


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